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.Friday, June 12, 2009 ' 4:04 PM Y
hello. hello. helloooooooooooo people!
hahas, miss posting.
quite busy nowadays.

LOL! yesterday i went to the I.T show.
it was so cool. quite tiring walking there too, alot people..
i bought SIMS 3!
please be jealous of me. hahahas joking larhs.
haven really played yet
just created the sim. so confusing.
let's hope it's FUN.

i wanted to buy a camera too.
but parents kind of dont let.
so.. didnt buy it.
but i really desperately need a camera hor.
need it for IPW interview, need it for everyday live, especially need it for SENTOSA TRIP
having so called class gathering for my current class at sentosa next tuesday, right after i come back from batam..
currently i only ask the girls in my class and 3 boys.
i want boys to go, but i scared they will to their extreme irritating-ness..
but i kind of regret for not asking them to go, because the girls in our class so guai, only a few from our clicks can go. sad-ed
asked Jocelin to go too.
currently only Heidi, Jiamin and me can go.
not sure if the others can anot.
Jiamin can ask some more boys to go, i'm it should be fun. but not LIMJIAWEI please. not AWWEICONG too. this two super irritating ones are forbidden.

doing holiday chinese journal, super irrritating. have to do one everyday on weekdays.
please can go people. really very little people go only leh.
please go.
btw, PRIMARY SCH clicks, i want to have a gathering too. i want to go zoo with your! give me your reply okay. primary sch clicks= PEIYU, WEICHING, SANDI, YVONNE, MAVIES, JOSELYN, GERLYN, just everyone from badminton larh. reply on my tag board. most probably next week wed to fri..

posted alot already


.Thursday, April 9, 2009 ' 7:27 PM Y
pai seh people, very long never post le.
tmr is good friday, holiay, so can use comp awhile.
i want to talk about the meaning of good friday.
it's abit to christianity, so.. no offence to non-christian.
but if you want to know about it, just read lah..

okay..as christians know, jesus christ died on the cross for our sins..
alot of people will think, since he is so powerful why h dun want to save himself.
it is because he wants to clean our sins.. as, in heaven, it is, if jesus dies then our sins will be cleaned lah.
so.. actually thousands of years de today right, it's actually jesus' last supper with his disciples.
and then, tmr, which is good friday was his death date.. ):
he was nailed onto the big big cross, imagine that, a nail on your hands and legs, blood all over you, ouch.
so eventually he died by the end of the day good friday. so he was wrapped into, like a mummy, and then was put into a tomb.
but on the third day when the people went into the tomb again, which no one has opened before, jesus was not in the tomb, but the bandage was still there. so amazing right.
so it's like he rose lah..
something like that..
so amazing.

tags reply (i only reply some) :
jocelin- make sur you remember the date
Shayne- yah.. but i lazy to link now. next time rmind me again (:
bengcan- i dun care what he says
Vianne- my mama say is summer bubble tea de. i know yi ju hua is nice.
Vianne- who you saying spam my tagboard?
Cindy- although it is tiring but it is really funnnn
Charlton- so..? who are you?
Francis- shut up.
Becky & Mandy- eh. wa lao. i thought your dun want to go lor. vianne only say she want to go! :@

buh-bye (:


.Tuesday, March 24, 2009 ' 7:36 PM Y
alot of things to post today

Thurs to Sun:
i was in malaysia, Redang island.
Redang = Fun + Lexury + Nice + Shiok
thursday night then the bus start to move.
the journey is about 10hours.
long hor, but my family was smart they put it at night, so it's like normal sleeping day. hehe
the bus started at 10p.m. yah so reach the Jetty at about 6a.m. then the boat journey was 2 hours. so we reach around 8a.m. there.
so nice lor the place.
loved it.
went for snorking during the second and third day (friday and saturday)
fish are really scary.
i got freaked out when i see fish coming near me.
so i kicked them
hehe, very cruel bah.
i pity those fish..
but they are really scary when they are near you.
you can see their so fake eyes and fin and eeeeeyer. i dun like fish.
Redang islan is like the chalet in singapore. but shiok-er.
they got pub, disco and k. free of charge and children under age are allowed to go in.
i danced in the disco.
pub is just like any other shown on the TV. so coooooooool.
then k is like any other k in singapore also lor..
i watch a show taken in redang island. the TV there keep playing cause they promote the place mah..
the show is very long ago de.
called "jia ri mo mo cha"
soooooo nice. you guys shld watch. "summer bubble tea" in english.

thats roughly about it..
dun want to post tooooo much about it.
still have more to post today

yesterday was quite tiring.
went to lot one to celebrate heidi's birthday.
lols (:
i hope she has a memorable one. hehe.
so, after assembly yesterday,
we went to swing first.
got one girl from teckk whye strip herself in front of us.
she took of three button of her uniform
left only her half-singlet seh.
so eeyer lor.
she crazy de sia, let us see. we dont even know her.
somemore got one guy there seh. lols
after there, we took 307 from there to lot one. we bought KFC.
i bought 2piece chicken. hei di also
lirong bought snackers and jia min bought ultimat value box.
she must be very full.
but i felt realy bloated up after i finish mine.
after eating, actually i want ed to pretend to so toilet then go buy a small cake.
but, who knows, heidi also want to go toilet.
so...i didnt buy.
when i was in the toilet, i actually wanted to ask heidi to go back first ,then i can go and buy the cake.
but she say nvm she wait for me.
the i..okay lor. then went back to KFC.
but after that when we left KFC, i asked lirong to drag heidi to the front then me and jiamin go buy the cake.
then heidi and lirong was in the Kodak Shop, which was beside the four leaves. so i ebnt down, so that heidi wont see me buying a cake for her.
... after that went to surprise heidi with the cake then we tried to smash the cake into her mouth.
but it ended up her nose having the cake...
actually i anyhow see the mango cake then but, but, who knows again, it heidi's favourite flavour, hohohoho.
lols. then jiamin threw a mango into heidi's action city bag.
took some pictures. but lazy to post them
got video too.
but it wasn't allowed by heidi. she finds it personal an private. lol.
so..i think i shld respect her. i will not post and show anyone. hehehehe.

finish my posting for the few day infront.


.Monday, March 16, 2009 ' 1:44 PM Y
wa lao eh.
i never come to my blog so long your flood my tagboard arh.
have to reply like siao.

tags REPLY:
Mayfang- you add me. cayceee@hotmail.com (:
Yvonne- i dunno your blog add, pai seh (:
Peiyu- of crouse niceeeee! hehe thanks for your cookies btw. hahaha
Mr passerby- thanks. it's meant to be weird btw.
Jeanie- remind me to relink next time. lazy now...
Joyce- beat me for what ): hahahahah..
Wendy- i know toro means wei yu (a type of fish), but toro is someone's name. shuai ge!!
Jiamin- she mean the wei yu is fish. but nvm.. your that wei yu also can lor..
Wendy- TORO IS SUPER SHUAI HOR! dun insult him. hahahahaha
Natashya- go away lah natashya tay chyi ying!
Nelson- who are you? lols.
Jiamin- toro is my boyfriend hor!
Sandi- hehe. okie will try to tag you (:
Vianne- too busy to update so often. update you blog also lah!
Joyce- wendy doesn't know jia min, jia min doesn't know wendy, they are just chatting about bbt, mfbbt and mf7b. lols.
Amelia- pai seh, too long never see your le. then face also change so i cannot recognise. psps.
Jocelin- lols, toro is sooooo much better lor.my leg okay liao lah..
Joyce- i agree, wang zi is the most handsome-d one in bbt..
Sandi- lols, thanks. hehe
Elain- thanks for tagging. hahaha (:
Cindy- lols. thanks
Vianne- no time lahhhh!
Sheena- helloooooo
Pei yu- helloooooo\
Jiamin- lols you suddenly say la bi xiao xin, like so random.
Jocelin- you are like xiao zha po! XD
Mavies- hellooooo. yarh, it changed before the CD BBQ.. lols. they all say they miss you and wei ching coming to our house and play. lols. still rmb last time we play blind mice always break things. hehe.

reminder ppl. dun flood my tagboard. hahahahaha. love you guys
buh-bye (:


.Thursday, March 5, 2009 ' 8:30 PM Y
nothing to post about

tags reply:
Shaffhia- hello (:
Jocelin- LOLS..
Jia min- hello BIAOJIE!!
Mayfang- okay.. do you have msn?
Natashya- laugh what laugh?! LOLS..
Wendy- will link you soon.
Yvonne- hello. 0.o..
SiewFang- of course rmb.. will link you soon.. take cares too..
Vianne- sad.. i want to e-le da shang!!! ):
Mavies- LOLS.. haha will tag you soon.. (:
Jiamin- i seriously hate him. he always ignore me like he king like that (: i love toro! lols.

buh-bye (:


.Saturday, February 28, 2009 ' 12:23 PM Y
ytd have netball.
ytd's netball was the tired-iest eva.
i got C,at first, but was changed. i dun like C le lah. so hard.
after that was change to GA. GA is funner. i can shot!
i shot in 2 out of 7. yay. lols.
others is GS shot de.
GS is amanda.
when coach tell us our score, we both was like, got goal so many meh.
we played with sec 2s senior.

then we also have another teacher in charge.
actually was ms zhang only but another male-indian teacher join.
he is in charge of track and field too.
when he talk to us hor. the praise his trake and field ppl so much.
then like urging us to join track and field, but obviously no one was interested.
even sec 3 & 4 seniors.
like so of course lah, if we interested we join trackand field in the first place le loh.
he so retarded.
then after he talk finish, me sharleen and shaffiah folding the beeps(?), then he come to talk to us. talk rubbish actually.
then talk like half and hour.. so boring.
then after that go home by lrt, with crazy ppls.
= phyllis, elain, jia min, jocelin, herman, sylvia.
the reason for crazy ppl = with talk and laugh so loud in the lrt that everyone was looking at us. sooooo pai seh.
but we didnt care. just laugh and laugh.
jocelin also feng le.
i changing song to feng le feng le to dedicate to jocelin and listen to my biao mei, vianne. (:
after we reach jangpan kitbu station(Bukit panjang station), LOLS. we joke about it too.
left me phyllis and herman only.
we follow herman to his house.
when outside his house then we run away le lah.
dun misunderstood.
after that go blk 163 there the coffee shop buy fries. then walk home.
after that went swimming with phyllis.
talk alot crap.
then come home bathe then watch "wei lai bu shi mong" - " the dream catchers"
so niceeeee. but ending liao.
then sleep after watching.
woke up at 12. too tired.
then now using comp. (:
going to eat tom yam noodles le.yummy!
buh-bye. (:


.Wednesday, February 25, 2009 ' 6:56 PM Y
today have netball. HOO HOO!
but today's netball not very fun. cause rain lor. we actually going to play a match de.
but... all because of a rain. haizz.
then today actually i can come back in time to see wu chu cai hong, but have to help phyllis' de mama help look for phyllis.
so drag time. then actually want to take lrt, i lend bus card from phyllis.
then elain want to take bus, cause bus come. so i go with her lor.
sorry arh phyllis. i use you bus card to take bus. i tmr return you 45cent (:
then also same bus as herman keh. he so gu yi. keep saying i dun have umbrella.
then dunno what we talk about then he suddenly say ," sean not bad what,"
then i has like, huh..
then i say ," he not bad then you go and like him, be gay lah,"
then he replied," i got phyllis liao, i dun wan sean. i dun want to be two-timer,"
i thinking in my heart, you dun want to be two timer still like jocelin. lols.
then go home liao.
then i go home bathe then noe using comp lor.
btw, today in the morning me and phyllis saw peiyu at lrt there, i feel that me and peiyu like strangers.
maybe because we long time never talk le bah..
nothing to do now. no homework too. have hw but i do finish liao.
then just now also change back phone with jocelin..
then chinese hw also do liao.
nothing to do. later going facebook play pet society (:
buh-bye (:


.Monday, February 23, 2009 ' 9:17 PM Y

hello. yesterday i went to zooooooo.
i took alot of pictures.
enjoyyyy (: ...


seriously, i dunno what this is. LOL!

mini changing room

sheena and me.


deadly person. lols . my uncle lah! hehe

tu tu mouth

uncles, cousins and nephew

i also dunno what this is.

i also dunno.
snake. spssssss~


me and vianne and girrafe.

becky and me and girrafe
me and giraffe

me ahxun and girrafe

actually i was between them, but i bend down. :D


goat, i think.



sungi and me.

ah hui.

ah xun and vianne.


ah hui so happy.
they all so tired.

don't kiss me.

you too. don't!

stop it. lols.

polar bear. and me :)

polar bear and me, too.

polar bear and me 3

polar bear and me 4.

lols. so many polar bear and me because we can't get a great view.. :)

polar and me 5
polar bear. left one. cause others go back north pole le.

ah ping jie me and vianne and polar bear

deer/donkey and me and vianne and becky.

author chasing author. LOL!
we playing in a small mini pond

cute authors.

Authors swimming.

fake Authors. vianne and me
vianne me and becky.

th sign boards. lols


stick on the glass like starfish

Ben in elephant hat :D
my ticket (: ZEBRA!
pai seh arh, i dun know alot of the animals. cause these photo are taken by mandy. (:
hope you love the present we give you (: i love you
buh-bye (:


21 07 96.(RememberIt)




yi ju hua




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